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PRENOM : Robert
Année de naissance : 1969
Adresse Professionnelle :
Department of Sociology – Anthropology and Applied Social Science
University of Glasgow
40 Bute Gardens
Glasgow G12 8RT. Royaume-Uni
Mail : r.gibb_AT_ socsci.gla.ac.uk
Fonction actuelle :
Maître de conférences en sociologie.
Thèmes de recherche / Mots clés :
Antiracisme, mouvements sociaux, droit d’asile.
Bibliographie succincte :
- Gibb, R. 2008. ‘Origin Myths, Conspiracy Theories and Anti-Racist Mobilizations in France’, in Citizenship, Political Engagement, and Belonging: Immigrants in Europe and the United States (eds) Deborah Reed-Danahay and Caroline B. Brettell. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, pp. 144-161.
- Bazin, L., Gibb, R. Neveu, C. and Selim, M. 2006. ‘The broken myth: Popular unrest against the “republican model of integration” in France’, Anthropology Today 22 (2), 16-17.
- Gibb, R. 2004. ‘Seminar Culture(s), Rites of Passage and the Unmentionable in Contemporary British Social Anthropology’ in Teaching Rites and Wrongs: Universities and the Making of Anthropologists (eds. D. Mills and M. Harris), Birmingham: Sociology, Anthropology and Politics (C-SAP) and The Higher Education Academy Network, pp. 40-74.